Discussion Questions
1. What did you think about the setting of the book—the Rosebud Indian Reservation? If you’ve never visited a Native reservation, were you surprised by anything described in the book about reservation life?
2. What did you think about the main character, Virgil Wounded Horse? Did you like or dislike him? Did that change as you read further in the book?
3. Who was your favorite character in Winter Counts? Did you dislike any of the characters?
4. What are your feelings about the criminal justice system on reservations? Do you think the U.S. government should change the laws that prevent Native nations from prosecuting felony crimes that occur on their own lands?
5. At times, Virgil is troubled by his role as a hired enforcer. What are your thoughts about this issue? Is Virgil serving or harming justice?
6. There are other social issues discussed in Winter Counts: the problematic health care system on reservations and the lack of healthy food options. What do you think about these issues?
7. How did you feel about the relationship between Virgil and Marie? How about Virgil and his nephew Nathan? How do these relationships change over the course of the novel?
8. How do you feel about the conclusion of the novel? Were you satisfied with the ending? If not, what would you have changed?
9. Did anything surprise you in the book? What did you like most about the novel? What were your favorite scenes from the book?
10. If Winter Counts were turned into a television series or a film, which actors would you like to play Virgil and Marie? How about Nathan and Tommy?
11. What aspect of Native American life would you like to learn more about?
(Questions from the author's website.)
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Winter Counts (Weiden) - Discussion Questions
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