Only Time Will Tell (Archer) - Book Reviews

Book Reviews
[A]page-turning, heart-stopping saga, with delightful twists, and a surprise ending.... [R]eaders will surely wait for the next [installment] with bated breath.
Publishers Weekly

Internationally best-selling British storyteller Archer launches his most daunting literary project—a five-volume, semiautobiographical, multigenerational epic.... [Readers] will enjoy this unforgettable tale, which abounds with cliff-hangers that propel its intriguing and intricate plot. —Jerry P. Miller, Cambridge, MA
Library Journal

What appears at the outset to be a straightforward coming-of-age tale becomes, by the end, a saga of power, betrayal, and bitter hatred. The novel ends on a deliberately dark note, setting the stage for the sequel.... An outstanding effort from a reliable veteran.

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