Wedding Dress (Hauck)

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these talking points to help start a discussion for The Wedding Dress...then take off on your own:

1. Consider each of the three wearers of the wedding dress—Emily, Mary Grace, and Hillary—and their stories. Talk about their personalities: is there one you identify with or prefer over the others? Also discuss the challenges and the uncertainties each faces.

2. Do you understand Charlotte's indecisiveness at the beginning of the novel? What are her concerns over marrying Tim? What do you think of Tim at the onset of the book, and does you opinion change? As Charlotte begins to solve the mysteries behind the dress, how do the revelations help, even change, her?

3. The stories are told from varying points of view, including Daniel and Tim. Were you able to keep the stories and voices straight? What do all the perspectives add the the overall story?

4. Had you figured out the mystery of the dress...or were you surprised?

5. Talk about the man in the purple vest.

(We'll add specific questions if and when they're made available by the publisher. In the meantime feel free to use these, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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