Horsin' Around—in our mailbox


For LitLovers of ALL ages: we couldn't resist sharing this gem—Three Little Horses by Dutch children's author Piet Worm (1909-1966). One of our readers, contacted us to see if we could help her recall the title of a favorite childhood book, one she remembers from her grandmother's house.

We were clueless (not for the first time)—but she persevered and graciously sent us the results. Thank you, Sue! Some text was lost when we brightened up the photo, but we added a bit more contrast so you could decipher some of Piet's story.



Here's Piet Worm himself. Is he climbing IN or OUT of his imaginative world here? (Lovely metaphor.)

If you have a favorite childhoold book, let us know. But, for heaven's sake, PLEASE don't ask us to help you recall the title. We don't like feeling clueless!

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