Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man (Harvey) - Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man:

1. Harvey compares Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man to a playbook from an rival sports team—reading it will give women an advantage. In other words, he paints men as the opposition team to women. Is that a good way to approach a love relationship? Does it set up the right, or wrong, model? Might there be a different model to follow, a partnership, perhaps? Or something else? Or is team rivalry, in which each side wants to "win," actually a fair description of what male-female relationships are about?

2. Is Harvey's advice valuable for single women looking for a relationship...or married women already in a relationship...or both?

3. This book offers a wealth of topics for discussion! Certainly one approach is to take each chapter sub-heading (e.g., "Our Love Isn't Like Your Love," "Sports Fish vs. Keepers," or "Mama's Boys") and discuss its validity and its application to personal, real-life experiences.

4. For men: how do you experience Harvey's message? Does it apply to your lives? Does it ring true? Do you find it illuminating, tiresome, untrue? If yours is an all-women club, invite men—boyfriends, husbands, fathers, brothers—to read the book and join you for the discussion. Or just ask a few men to read and comment on certain sections. Talk about their reactions during discussion.

5. Overall, what is Harvey's message: that men need to change? Or that men don't need to, or can't, change and that women must learn to understand the male perspective? What about women—is Harvey suggesting they need to change?

6. What did you learn from Harvey's book? Anything new? What did you find funny, thought-provoking, irritating?

7. Do you think all women should read this book? Will it help relationships? What about men—required reading or not?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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