Violets of March (Jio)

Discussion Questions
1. Who is Emily Wilson? How would you describe her life and her state of mind at the beginning of the book? What draws you to her character?

2. What are your first impressions of Bee? How would you describe Emily and Bee's relationship?

3. What role does Bainbridge Island play in this story? What makes it unique? What does the island offer Emily that she can't get from her life in New York?

4. Family secrets play a significant part of the action in this book. How have these secrets affected Emily's family and personal relationships? Would you have tried to uncover the truth as well?

5. Emily finds two love interests on Bainbridge Island: Greg and Jack. What are your impressions of each of these men? Considering that Emily ultimately pursues Jack, would you have done the same? Why or why not?

6. Fate is a strong force in The Violets of March. How does fate affect Esther's story? How does it affect Emily's? What parallels do you see between the two? Do you believe in fate?

7. Henry reveals that he planted Esther's diary for Emily to find. Why didn't he confront Bee himself? Why was it important for Emily to find the diary and read it?

8. At one point, Emily thinks to herself, “What power Esther had over all of them.” What is your opinion of that thought? What power did Esther have over Elliot, Evelyn, Bee, Janice, and Henry? What power did her story have over Emily?

9. Both Bee and Elliot harbor guilt about the night of Esther's accident. How do you feel they handled the situation? Would you have protected Elliot the way Bee did? Would you have gone down after Esther the way Elliot said he had wanted to?

10. When Joel attempts to rekindle his love with her, Emily has gone through a great deal of soul-searching. What is your opinion of her decision to not take Joel back? Would you have done the same?

11. Elliot says that he and Esther were “soul mates,” and Emily's relationship with Jack mirrors that sentiment. Do you believe in soul mates? What role does timing play in these two couples' relationships? What could Esther and Elliot have done differently to be together.

12. The final scene finds Emily on the verge of writing again. How do you envision what her next book will look like? What future do you see for Emily?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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