LitClub:  Soarers Book Club
Tuscaloosa and Northport, Alabama

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TWENTY YEARS AGO A RECOVERY from brain surgery and the delivery of a new daughter also gave birth to a new book club. C.W.'s desire for having her friends around her and the need to re-engage led to the Soarers Book Club!

What does your club's name mean?
Once when speaking to a youth group, C.W. gave the young people this piece of advice:

S -See the world around you;
O -Offer yourself to address whatever problems you see;
A -Admit that you can't do everything;
R -Remember, in all that you do keep Christ first.

When our new book group was casting about for a name, SOAR seemed perfect for a group of women who were getting together to explore the world of books!

How many members do you have?
We started with twelve members, but attrition has left us with eight wonderful women.

Twenty years is a lot of books – too many to list here. How about telling us what you're reading now?

We are currently reading Say You’re One of Them by Uwem Akpan.

Do you have a favorite from over the years?
Most of us agree that A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines s the favorite book we've read. It was also the best discussion!

The book contained so many different issues for analysis – the racism and prejudice that existed in the South. God and religion were issues, as well. The educated vs. the uneducated; spirituality and peace at the time of death were also raised.

There was the conflict and frustration that existed inside of Grant, who believed, at first, that all of his efforts were for naught. This touches on but some of the issues we discussed. It was great!

Where do you hold your meetings?
Each month, a different member acts as hostess. Then four times a year, we eat out at different restaurants.

How do you select your books?
Whoever hosts the meeting chooses the next book to read.

What about rules?
We have as a rule that we read WHATEVER the hostess chooses — from any genre she chooses!

What final words about the Soarers would you you like to impart?
We are a fairly eclectic group of women who enjoy the camaraderie and fellowship that has developed among us as much as we enjoy a good book!

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